Day 34: God’s Hopes And Dreams

Matthew 6:9-15 God’s Will…in essence…God’s desires, hopes, dreams, wishes for this world.  What does it look like when a disciple lives life according to God’s desires for him/her?  What does it look like for your church?  Your church...

Day 33: On Earth As It Is In Heaven

Matthew 6:9-15 Did he mean it?  Did Jesus actually want us to pray, with faith and trust in the possibility, that God’s kingdom could come on earth as it is in heaven?  Evidently, God wants his kingdom of peace, justice and love to be enacted right here, right...

Day 32: Your God Is Too Small

Psalm 148 J.B. Phillips wrote a book by that title (Your God Is Too Small) in 1961.  He describes how we have limited God – making God “man-sized.”  Our temptation is to make God in our image, rather than vice-versa.  Consider the vision that’s...

Day 31: Consistent With Holy Scripture

II Timothy 3:16-17 It is possible for a church to follow its desires and do something inconsistent with God’s mission in the world.  When our desires are not shaped by Christ, they can lead us onto tangents.  One purpose of the Scriptures is to provide a check...

Day 30: Gathered Community of Disciples

Acts 2:43-47 When Jesus’ disciples band together in groups, what do they do?  How do they relate to each other?  What distinguishes who they are as a group?  What do they do with their combined resources?  What’s their purpose for being?  What’s...

Day 29: Follow The Energy

Acts 2:1-4 The Holy Spirit first came to disciples as a rushing wind, filled with energy.  The Holy Spirit still enlivens us for service and ministry.  Where is the energy rising up in you when it comes to following Christ?  Where is the energy rising up in your...