Day 30: Gathered Community of Disciples

Acts 2:43-47 When Jesus’ disciples band together in groups, what do they do?  How do they relate to each other?  What distinguishes who they are as a group?  What do they do with their combined resources?  What’s their purpose for being?  What’s...

Day 29: Follow The Energy

Acts 2:1-4 The Holy Spirit first came to disciples as a rushing wind, filled with energy.  The Holy Spirit still enlivens us for service and ministry.  Where is the energy rising up in you when it comes to following Christ?  Where is the energy rising up in your...

Day 28: The Desires Of Your Heart

Psalm 37:3-5 This scripture has always puzzled me.  God will give you the desires of your heart?  Won’t that turn God into Santa Claus?  Not when we first “Take delight in the Lord.”  When we center our lives in Christ, laying aside our sinful ways...

Day 27: Trust God For What You Need

Philippians 4:10-19 Do we have what it takes to love others and make disciples?  Can our church become more of what God is calling it to become?  Many disciples through the centuries have asked this question…and have found that God is faithful.  God will provide...

Day 26: Criteria For Success

Matthew 25:31-46 Buildings, Bodies and Budgets.  Sometimes disciples mistake these tangible and visible items as what makes for a successful church.  The more we have of each, the more successful we are.  Instead, these are simply means to the real foci –...